
Playgrounds are fun, possibly the most fun place in a town. But a place for leisure and enjoyment still needs guidelines. There is no better way to communicate these rules than with a clear, eye-catching, professional playground rule sign. There are tons of reasons you need to specify play rules –whether it is a school, a public park, or a private place. Injuries and accidents can happen in the blink of a second; kids can shove each other, stand dangerously close to a swing or a slide, run in risky areas, etc.

Our playground rules signs cover all the basic rules any park must have and state to avoid injuries and accidents. Of course, you can customize them to fit your needs, the age bracket you want to cover, and the type of park (we also carry signs to state sports rules such as basketball, volleyball, tennis, soccer, etc.)

Here´s a comprehensive list of playground rules you can consider when designing your playground rules signs with us:

• Always play safely and showing courtesy.
• Pushing, pulling, and shoving others is forbidden.
• Physical contact or mean words are not allowed.
• Wear proper clothing. Do not wear scarves, necklaces, drawstrings, or very loose clothes near the equipment or the swings.
• Always check before jumping off the equipment or swings. Make sure no one is in the way.
• Do not play or jump on equipment if it is wet or slippery.
• Caution: equipment may be too hot during summer.
• Do not talk to strangers.
• Always walk on the sidewalks. Watch for traffic before crossing the street.
• No eating or drinking in this area.
• No sharp objects, rocks, or sticks are permitted.
• Real or pretend fighting and rough play are not allowed.
• Stay off trees, planters, railings, drainpipes, and poles.
• No ball playing is allowed near the swings.
• Take turns to use a swing or a piece of equipment.
• Ask an adult for help if there is a problem or someone is hurt.
• Sit properly on equipment and do not overcrowd. If a piece of equipment has a handrail, make sure you hold it at all times.
• Use equipment safely, sensibly, and appropriately. Do not bring toys, cell phones, balls, or other equipment from home.
• Follow the game rules –when playing a sport.
• Do not leave personal items unattended.
• Littering is forbidden at all times.
• Do not forget your personal belongings.

As mentioned, rules differ regarding the age cohort you want to speak to, the type of park (parks involving pools require another set of procedures and written protocols), and other aspects.
Our signs come in bright, vivid colors that catch the attention of kids and adults. Choose from the many sizes we carry and different designs. We also carry diagram-only signs that can serve the purpose.
You can order from our catalog or work from a template and add the desired customization. Keep your playground or park safe with our fantastic playground rules signs.